Security and Privacy
Divorce and Children, LLC, the founding organization for the Co-Parenting Specialist Certification Program, is extremely dedicated to protecting the privacy of all users of this website (www.coparentingspecialist.com).

Except as otherwise provided in this document, we will not intentionally disclose any personal information about our users without first obtaining their approval unless we are required to do so to satisfy a legal obligation.

By using our website, you agree to the collection and use of your information as outlined in this policy, and to our Terms of Use.

When you visit coparentingspecialist.com or purchase training or products from our website, we request certain personally identifiable information. We use this information for internal use only. We use it principally to fulfill product orders and communicate with you. We also use it to help develop and improve our services to meet your needs.

On some pages, you can order products, make requests, and register to receive materials. For example, the types of personal information collected on these pages include:

E-mail address
Phone number
Professional credentials
Social media handles and channel information
Credit/Debit Card Information
Purchase Information/History
IP Addresses used to access the service
Dates and time of access
Customer Service Inquiries/History

If you specifically and knowingly provide us with personal information via this website, you consent to Divorce and Children, LLC using that personal information lawfully at its sole and absolute discretion, including to provide promotional and marketing materials by other means. Please note that you must obtain the consent of any third person whose personal information you post to this website.

We use the information you provide about yourself when placing an order so we may complete that order and serve you more effectively. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to complete that order. The only exceptions to this are:
You have specifically authorized us to share information or

Where such disclosure is reasonably required by law or legal process or

Where disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect divorce and children LLC rights or property.

You can register on our website to receive our e-mails, event notices, training opportunities, and updates on our new products and services. These updates include notices concerning products, special offers, and promotions from Divorce and Children, LLC, and our affiliates.

We will do our best to make your experience at coparentingspecialist.com positive. However, even though we may be diligent, we cannot always foresee or anticipate technical or other difficulties. These difficulties may result in loss of data, personalization settings, or other service interruptions. For this reason, you agree that the services provided by Divorce and Children, LLC are provided “as is” without guarantee. Divorce and Children, LLC cannot assume responsibility for the timeliness, deletion, misdirected delivery, or failure to store any user data, communications, or personalization settings.

Changes or Discontinuation
Divorce and Children, LLC reserves the right to change or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, its services at any time without notice. You agree that Divorce and Children, LLC will not be liable to you or any third party for any modification or discontinuance of the Service.

Submitting Content
By submitting ideas, resources, and other content via email, message boards, threads, or any other forum, you automatically agree that, without any particular time limit and without the payment of any fees, Divorce and Children, LLC may reproduce, display, distribute and create new works of authorship based on and including the Content. We will exclusively own all known or later-existing rights to the Content or any other Submission of Creative Work worldwide and will be entitled to the unrestricted use of said Content or Submission for any purpose without compensation to the provider.

Acceptable Conduct
Users of this site are expected to behave with respect and consideration for others. Divorce and Children, LLC does not ordinarily filter, censor, edit, or regulate information and content provided by third parties on this website, including any such information provided in interactive areas, and we neither endorse nor are responsible for (and under no circumstances shall be liable for) the contents, accuracy or reliability of such information and content. When participating in interactive portions of this website, you represent that you have proper right and authorization to use any information or content you upload or post and agree to abide by the following code of acceptable conduct: You will not upload or otherwise provide infringing, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, threatening abusive, illegal, or otherwise improper content. You will not upload viruses or harmful components. You will not use the website to further any illegal purpose or to violate the rights of any party. You will not upload or otherwise provide content with a commercial purpose or attempt to solicit funds or advertise goods and services.

If Divorce and Children, LLC learns of communications that may be unlawful or harmful to other users or to the site or that impinge upon the rights of other users or other prohibited communications, we will take appropriate action. We may delete any communication that we deem to be spam or inappropriate and may send you a warning and/or terminate your ability to utilize this site.

Divorce and Children, LLC regularly receives and replies to users' emails. For record-keeping purposes, we retain copies of most emails sent to us. We do not anticipate disclosing the information in the emails we receive or send to any third party without the permission of the sender, either express or implied, unless required or necessary, as specified in the previous paragraph.

Links to other sites
Our website may contain links to other sites that are not affiliated or associated with or controlled by Divorce and Children, LLC. Please be aware that these other sites may be owned or developed by people over whom we have no control, and accordingly, we are not responsible for their privacy practices. This Privacy Policy applies only to those parts of our website within our control.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the privacy policy of any other website you visit which collects personal information about you and to use your discretion when providing such information.

Digital Downloads/ Paid Trainings/Online Store Products/Video Clips Disclaimer
The information contained in any existing or future on-demand video programs, resources or educational materials or training programs offered through Divorce and Children, LLC, in our online store or on our website are true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. These products are intended only as educational and informational resources for professionals interested in learning how to better support co-parents going through the process of separation or divorce. In no way are any of the listed products intended to replace or conflict with the advice given by a mental health professional, counselor, mediator, or lawyer. Decisions concerning families should be made by parents in consultation with their own professionals. The information offered by our online products is general and is offered with no guarantees on the part of the authors.

Use of Product Content
No part of any online training, virtual program, or resource materials may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the written permission of Divorce and Children, LLC. Additionally, Divorce and Children, LLC explicitly disclaims all liability for incidents arising from the imitation, copying, misuse, or abuse of concepts and content offered by products listed or promoted on the coparentingspecialist.com website.

For products that have been recommended for children, we encourage parents to view, read and or participate with their child/children in viewing these resources and to discuss the information with their child/children. The same is true for professionals.  Products or resources that have been recommended for co-parents, should be reviewed by professionals before sharing them with a parent.  We encourage you to contact us at support@coparentingspecialist.com, if you have any questions or concerns.

Changes to the Privacy Policy
We may change this Privacy Policy at our discretion and without notice. If we do, we will make all reasonable efforts to bring those changes to the attention of our users. An updated version of our Privacy Policy will be maintained on this website so that you remain aware of the data we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it.

Further Information
Please feel free to contact support@coparentingspecialist.com  if you have any questions or comments or would like more information concerning our terms and conditions.

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